Armadillocon 27, 2005:
Keep Austin Weird

Keep Austin Weird

After Opening Ceremonies, there was a very informal Meet and Greet. I saw this T-shirt (on the flip side of Mark Finn on Friday night) and loved it. I think I later heard it was a campaign launched by an independent bookseller that caught on. Who'd've thought this would work in Texas?

Jim and I were on a couple of panels together. One of them was a discussion of the Star Wars movies with Aaron de Orive, Mark Finn, and Wil McCarthy. Someone (and it might have been Mark) suggested that the way to bring Harrison Ford back for Episode 7 would be to open the movie with Senator Han Solo's public assassination on the floor of the reconstituted Senate. We thought that had real possibilities!

© 2005 Photo by Laurie D. T. Mann