While I know it is a complete waste of time for progressives to write to Rick, I think it's sometimes a good idea to remind him that he's completely failed to represent many, many people in Pennsylvania. Especially every progressive voter in the state.
The "Child Custody Protection Act" (and if that's the biggest joke name for a bill since the "Patriot Act") essentially would criminilize a friend or relative of a minor who took her out of state (at her request) for an abortion. This bill, as is usual in Washington these days, is only there to placate the far right and harass teens in repressive homes.
Dear Senator Santorum
As one of your constituents, I want to say that I am opposed to the "Child Custody Protection Act." It robs young women in abusive households of their ability to act according to their conscience without harassment. It's yet another way that the government is inappropriately getting involved in people's choices.
However, as I realist I know precisely how you will vote. And it will not surprise me.