- Laurie Mann, dpsinfo.com Curator * * Detailed Site Map * * Contact Curator
- Dead People Server Archive * * (not updated after early 2017; see the Facebook page for current deaths) * * Detailed Site Map
- Good Quotes
- Official Home Page of William Tenn
- Old Tweets While I joined the xodus from Twitter...errh X after Musk helped to muddle the 2024 election, I decided to keep my old tweets online as a "historic document." Note it can take about 30 seconds for the file to fully open - it's very large.
- A Fannish Home Page (convention photos and reports)
- Programming Brain Trust: Schedules from Recent Worldcons
- Smofcon
- People Born in 1957 - a Trivia Page
- Essays
- Movie Reviews
- 2022 Pittsburgh Western Suburbs Restaurant Guide
- Uncommon SF & Mysteries Book Sale
- Plan[e]t Engineering by Gene Wolfe, first edition
- Grand Masters' Choice by Andre Norton, ed., first edition
- Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart, first edition
- Star Wars by "George Lucas," first edition
- Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, first edition
- AwardWeb
2014 Hugo Nominees * * 2012 Nebula Nominees * * 2010 World Fantasy Nominees * * 2011 Stoker Winners * * Detailed Site Map - Findable Sites
- Facts Do Matter
- Quick Fixes: Removing the Smart Defragmenter Virus
- No Longer the World's Slowest Blog (I experimented with WordPress from early July 2017-mid-June 2018, maintaining an erratic blog called Alien Cheese, but have brought my blog back to Blogger)
- dpsinfo Websites FAQ
Family Sites
Conference Sites
I particularly enjoy assembling and updating conference-related sites.
- Smofcon 35, Boston, MA, 2017
- Smofcon 34, Chicago, IL, 2016
- Sasquan Program, 2015
- Women in Film and Television International Summit, Pittsburgh, 2014
- Smofcon 30, Philadelphia, PA, 2012
- Boskone Boston, 2009-2014
- Denvention 3, Denver, 2008
- Millennium Philcon Program, Philadelphia, 2001
- Nebula Weekend, Pittsburgh, 1999 (Archive.org site)
Even Older dpsinfo.com Archival Sites
- My Web site History: Sites Moved from worcester.lm.com to www.city-net.com/~lmann, then to dpsinfo.com
- Pittsburgh Flicks
- The Road News & Rumors
- Jim's Beer in Pittsburgh Page [mostly about '90s bars, with some comments on current ones]
- ...Grows Up to Be...
- Mann's Choice -- Biased List of Organized Hotlinks [Back in the early days of the Web (say 1994-1996 or so), before there were excellent search tools like Google, Web users would create and post their favorite links, called "hotlinks" back in the day. So this is an archive site and is not meant to be updated (these links were probably last updated in the early '00s). It's more a snapshot of one person's favorite links from the mid-90s.]
- Photos from the Feminist Expo 2000
- Notes from the Feminist Expo 1996
- Changing Mapscape of West Boylston
- A Brief History of Print Software and FOSI
- WorcesterWeb (Photographs and History)
- Timebinders
- Women's Sites
Professional Development
Here are the Web site I developed and/or maintained as a professional Web developer:
- RiverWood Bistro (archived February 2009)
- Office of Experiential Learning (archived May 2003 by archive.org; minor broken script on main page, but the site is otherwise correctly archived)
- Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (archived May 2003 by archive.org)
- CAS Academic Internships (archived June 2003 by archive.org)
- Academic Support Center (archived June 2003 by archive.org)
- Freshmen Studies (archived June 2003 by archive.org)
- College in High School (archived June 2003 by archive.org)
Remember - the Content Matters!
"If your Web site looks like a Web site, it's in trouble. It should look like a content site." Edward R. Tufte
© 1994-2025 by Laurie Mann, responsible for all writing, photography, design and coding of all sites at dpsinfo.com except where noted.