The Planet - This Fortress Reserved by Nature for Herself...

This group received the suggestions from the first group, and decided rather than select just one of the suggested characteristics they would try to implement them all, or as many of them as possible. (The challenge proved irresistable.)

The large volcano will be placed on the primary's side of the planet, driven by the tidal stresses caused by the eccentric orbit. A metallic core will help create a magnetosphere to shield the planet. By decreasing the gravity the volcano will be able to grow taller and create several zones of life, divided by altitude.

The existence of the large volcano on one side of the planet will also create a corresponding bulge on the other side, with a resulting lowlands between them. This will create the opportunity for a an annular ocean, or perhaps just a network of lakes. Hot springs will also abound on this planet, to help dissipate the heat (caused by the tidal forces) built up in the crust and upper mantle.

By postulating the planet is tide-locked, it creates a warm biosphere on the side facing the primary, and a cooler one facing away from the primary, divided by the annular ocean. The volcano will provide other zones along the sides and perhaps top (it need not be a conical volcano, after all -- in this case it will be a shield).

It should be noted that the condition of this planet is not teneble over a long haul. The orbital perturbation will go away as the planet settles into a circular orbit, and the large continents may be broken up by the tidal forces while this is happening.

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