A Book Resource List for Suvivors and Therapists

Site Map for Women's Resources

(Note: This version of the list hasn't been updated in years years, so things may be somewhat out of date.)

This list has appeared on bulletin boards, and its distribution is encouraged. Allen Dietz, a licenced therapist, started this list, and it has been added to. An annotated version is available as ABUSEBIB.TXT or ABUSEBIB.ZIP on an electronic BBS. The BBS number is (512) 442-6091, 1200-9600 bps V.32.

Background and Clinical Information on Childhood Sexual Abuse

Blume, E. Sue, Secret Survivors: Uncovering Incest and Its Aftereffects in Women. 1990, John Wiley and Sons, NY, NY.

Briere, John, Therapy for Adults Molested as Children: Beyond Survival. 1989, Springer Publishing Company, Inc., NY, NY.

Butler, Sandra, Conspiracy of Silence: The Trauma of Incest. 1985, Volcano Press, Inc., Volcano, Calif. ($11.95 paperback)

Cabe, Coe Neil, Men In Pain: Understanding the Male Survivor of Childhood Abuse. 1989, Aurora Counseling Clinic, Aurora, OH. ($4.75 paperback)

Courtois, Christine A., Healing the Incest Wound: Adult Survivors in Therapy. 1988, W.W. Norton, NY, NY. ($34.95)

Dolan, Yvonne M., Resolving Sexual Abuse: Solution-Focused Therapy and Ericksonian Hypnosis for Adult Survivors. 1991, W.W. Norton Company, NY, NY. ($29.95 hard cover)

Evert, Kathy and Inie Bijkerk, When You're Ready: A Woman's Healing from Childhood Physical and Sexual Abuse by Her Mother. 1987, Launch Press, Walnut Creek, CA. ($9.95)

Faller, Kathleen Coulborn, Understanding Child Sexual Maltreatment. 1990, Sage Publications, Inc., Newbury Park, CA. ($17.95 paperback)

Forward, Susan and Craig Buck, Betrayal of Innocence: Incest and Its Devastation (Revised). 1988, Penguin Books, NY, NY. ($7.95 paperback)

Gil, Eliana, Treatment of Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse. 1988, Launch Press, Walnut Creek, CA. ($16.95 paperback)

Herman, Judith Lewis, Father-Daughter Incest. 1981, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. ($9.95 paperback)

Kluft, Richard P., Incest-Related Syndromes of Adult Psychopathology. 1990, American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.

Miller, Alice, For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Childrearing and the Roots of Violence. 1984, Farrar Straus Giroux, NY, NY. ($8.95 paperback)

Ritual Abuse Task Force, Los Angeles County Commission for Women, Ritual Abuse. 1989, ($5.00 booklet) Order from Los Angeles County Commission for Women, 383 Hall of Administration, 500 W. Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

Russell, Diana E. H., The Secret Trauma: Incest in the Lives of Girls and Women. 1986, Basic Books, NY, NY. ($12.95)

van der Kolk, Bessel, Psychological Trauma. 1987, American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.

Westerlund, Elaine, Responding to Incest: In Memory of Nancy. 1988, Forward Movement Publications, Cincinnati, OH. ($2.00 paperback; order from Mary Wostrel, Women in Crisis Committee, 138 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02111)

Resources for Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

Bass, Ellen and Laura Davis, The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. 1988, Harper & Row, NY, NY. ($14.95 paperback)

Bass, Ellen and Louise Thornton, I Never Told Anyone: Writings by Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. 1983, Harper & Row, NY, NY. ($7.95 paperback)

Bear, Euan with Peter T. Dimock, Adults Molested as Children: A Survivor's Manual for Women and Men. 1989, The Safer Society Press, Orwel, VT. ($12.95 paperback)

Childhelp, USA, Survivor's Guide. 1987, Survivors of Child Abuse Program, 6463 Independence Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91367. ($4.00 booklet, order by mail)

Davis, Laura, The Courage To Heal Workbook: For Women and Men Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. 1990, Harper & Row, NY, NY. ($18.95 paperback)

Dumas, Pie, Pieces of Pie: Surviving Love, Skye's the Limit Putlications, 2005.

Engel, Beverly, The Right to Innocence: Healing the Trauma of Childhood Sexual Abuse. 1989, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., Los Angeles, CA. ($4.95 paperback)

Farmer, Stephen, Adult Children of Abusive Parents

Gannon, J. Patrick, Soul Survivors: A New Beginning for Adults Abused as Children 1989,Prentice Hall Press, NY, NY ($18.95)

Grubman-Black, Stephen D., Broken Boys/Mending Men: Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse. 1990 Human Services Institute, Bradenton, FL, an imprint of TAB Books

Hobson, Nancy, Cry Uncle. 1989, Mac Publishing, Denver, CO.

Hunter, Mic, Abused Boys: The Neglected Victims of Sexual Abuse. 1990, Fawcett Columbine, NY, NY. ($10.00 paperback)

Lew, Mike, Victims No Longer: Men Recovering From Incest and Other Sexual Child Abuse. 1988, Nevraumont Publishing Co., NY, NY. ($14.95 paperback)

Poston, Carol and Karen Lison, Reclaiming Our Lives: Hope for Adult Survivors of Incest. 1989, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA. ($17.95 hard cover)

Thomas, T., Men Surviving Incest. 1989, Launch Press, Walnut Creek, CA. ($7.95 paperback)

Tower, Cynthia Crosson, Secret Scars: A Guide for Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. 1989, Penguin Books, NY, NY. ($7.95)

Utain, Marsha, & Oliver, Barbara, Scream Louder: Through Hell and Healing with an Incest Survivor and Her Therapist. 1989, Health Communications, Inc., Deerfield Beach, FL. ($11.95 hard cover)

Specifically for Partners and Other Allies

Davis, Laura, Allies in Healing: When the Person You Love Was Sexually Abused as a Child. 1991, Harper Perennial, NY, NY. ($13.00 paperback)

Hansen, Paul A., Survivors and Partners: Healing the Relationships of Sexual Abuse Survivors. 1991, Heron Hill Publishing Co., Longmont, CO. ($9.95 paperback)

Spear, Joan, How Can I Help Her? A Handbook for Partners of Women Sexually Abused as Children. 1991, Hazelden Educational Materials, Center City, MN.

Resources on Multiple Personalities

Braun, Bennett G., ed., Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder. 1986, American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.

Chase, Truddi, When Rabbit Howls. 1987, Jove Books, NY, NY. ($4.95 paperback)

Gil, Eliana, United We Stand: A Book for People with Multiple Personalities. 1990, Launch Press, Walnut Creek, CA. ($5.95)

Kluft, Richard P., ed., Childhood Antecedents of Multiple Personality. 1985, American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC.

Mayer, Robert, Through Divided Minds: Probing the Mysteries of Multiple Personalities. 1988, Avon Books, NY, NY. ($8.95)

Schreiber, F.R., Sybil. 1973, Henry Regnery, Chicago, IL.

Spencer, Judith, Suffer The Child. 1989, Pocket Books, NY, NY.

Thigpen, C. and H. Cleckley, The Three Faces of Eve. 1957, McGraw Hill, NY, NY. (paperback)

Resources For and About Adults from Dysfunctional/Abusive Families

Bradshaw, John, Healing the Shame That Binds You. 1988, Health Communications, Inc., Deerfield Beach, FL. ($9.95)

Bradshaw, John, Homecoming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child. 1990, Bantam Books, NY, NY. ($18.95)

Forward, Susan with Craig Buck, Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life. 1989, Bantam Books, NY, NY.

Gil, Eliana, Outgrowing the Pain: A Book for and about Adults Abused as Children. 1984, Launch Press, San Francisco, CA. ($5.95 paperback)

Kritsberg, Wayne, Chronic Shock and Adult Children of Alcoholics. 1985, Health Communications, Inc., Pompano Beach, FL. (paperback)

LeBoutillier, Megan, Little Miss Perfect. 1987, MAC Publishing, Denver, CO ($10.00 paperback)

Middelton-Moz, Jane, Children of Trauma: Rediscovering Your Discarded Self. 1989, Health Communications, Inc., Deerfield Beach, FL. ($9.95 paperback)

Miller, Alice, The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self. 1981, Basic Books, Inc., NY, NY. ($7.95 paperback)

Stephanie E., Shame Faced. 1986, Hazelden Educational Materials, Center City, MN.

Whitfield, Charles L., Healing the Child Within: Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families. 1987, Health Communications, Inc., Deerfield Beach, FL. ($8.95)


Maltz, Wendy, The Sexual Healing Journey: A Guide for Survivors of Sexual Abuse. 1991, HarperCollins Publishers, NY, NY. ($19.95 hard cover)

Maltz, Wendy, and Beverly Holman, Incest and Sexuality: A Guide to Understanding and Healing. 1987, Lexington Books, Lexington, MA. ($12.95 paperback)

Mellody, Pia, Facing Codependence. 1989, Harper & Row, San Francisco, CA. ($10.95 paperback) Accompanying workbook entitled Breaking Free. ($14.95 paperback)

Sanford, John A., The Invisible Partners: How the Male and Female in Each of Us Affects Our Relationships. 1980, Paulist Press, NY, NY. ($7.95 paperback)

Spirituality/Searching for Meaning

Campbell, Joseph with Bill Moyers, The Power of Myth. 1988, Doubleday, NY, NY. ($27.50 hard cover)

Gawain, Shakti, Creative Visualization. 1982, Bantam Books, NY, NY. ($4.50 paperback)

Kushner, Harold S., When Bad Things Happen to Good People. 1981, Avon Books, NY, NY. ($3.50 paperback)

Slaikeu, Karl and Steve Lawhead, The Phoenix Factor: Surviving and Growing Through Personal Crisis. 1985, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA. (hard cover)


Cartier, Marie, The Present Moment: Visualizations for Writers and Diarists. 1987. Order from Marie Cartier, 710-A Copeland Ct., Santa Monica, CA 90405. (tape1$10.00 plus $2.50 postage)

Furth, Gregg M., The Secret World of Drawings. 1988, Sigo Press, Boston, MA. ($19.95 paperback)

Rainer, Tristine, The New Diary. 1978, J.P. Tarcher, Inc., Los Angeles, CA. ($8.95 paperback)

Simons, George F., Keeping Your Personal Journal. 1978, Ballantine Books, NY, NY. ($2.95 paperback)


Alberti, Robert E. and Michael L. Emmons, Your Perfect Right. 1986, Impact Publishers, San Luis Obispo, CA. ($7.95)

Branden, Nathaniel, How To Raise Your Self-Esteem. 1987, Bantam Books, NY, NY. ($4.50 paperback)

Phelps, Stanlee and Nancy Austin, The Assertive Woman. 1975, Impact Publishers, San Luis Obispo, CA. ($3.95 paperback)

Satir, Virginia, Self Esteem. Celestial Arts, Millbrae, CA ($2.95)

Steinem, Gloria,: A Revolution from Within Book of Self-Esteem

Other Works of Interest/Inspiration

Angelou, Maya, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. 1969, Bantam Books, NY, NY. ($4.95 paperback)

Feil, Naomi, Validation: The Feil Method, How to Help the Disoriented Old-Old. 1989, Edward Feil Productions, Cleveland, OH. ($8.95 paperback)

Gaes, Jason, My Book for Kids with Cansur. 1987, Melius & Peterson Publishing Corporation, Aberdeen, SD. ($11.95)

Gill, Anton, The Journey Back from Hell: Conversations with Concentration Camp Survivors. 1988, William Morrow and Company, Inc., NY, NY. ($22.95 hard cover)

Kopp, Sheldon, An End to Innocence: Facing Life Without Illusions. 1978, Bantam Books, NY, NY. ($3.95 paperback)

Kopp, Sheldon, If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him! The Pilgrimage of Psychotherapy Patients. 1972, Science and Behavior Books, Inc., Palo Alto, CA.

Leaming, Barbara, If This Was Happiness: A Biography of Rita Hayworth. 1989, Ballantine Books, NY, NY. ($5.95)

McGoldrick, Monica and Randy Gerson, Genograms in Family Assessment, 1985, W.W. Norton Co., NY, NY. ($10.95)

Palwick, Susan, Flying in Place. TOR Books, May 1992 (novel)

Peck, M. Scott, People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil. 1983, Simon Schuster, NY, NY. ($7.95 paperback)

Rogers, Mary Beth, Cold Anger: A Story of Faith and Power Politics. 1990, University of North Texas Press, Denton, TX. ($14.95 paperback)

Russell, Mary Doria, The Sparrow October 1996 (novel) - two minor subplots about sexual abuse, but each is critical to the larger story.

Books for Children on Sexual Abuse

Howard, Ellen, Gillyflower. 1986, Atheneum / Macmillan Publishing Co., NY, NY. ($11.95 hard cover) ISBN 0-689-31274-1

Saint Exupery, Antoine de, translated from the French by Katherine Woods, The Little Prince. 1943, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, NY, NY. ($2.25 paperback)

Thomas, Marlo and Friends, Free to Be...A Family. 1987, Bantam Books, Inc., NY, NY. ($19.95 hard cover)

Ritual Abuse

(collected by a netter known as agape)

Cavendish, Richard. The Black Arts. Wideview/Perigree (The Putnam Publishing Group), New York, New York, l967. A very readable and complete scholarly history of numerology, the Cabala, alchemy, and satanism, with a clear explanation of satanic theology. Can be triggering.

Cohen, Barry M., Giller, Esther, and W., Lynn, editors. Multiple Personality Disorder from the Inside Out. The Sidran Press, Baltimore, Maryland, l991. Quotations from questionnaires filled out by l32 different multiples describing what they wish therapists and family members knew about the condition. Includes a glossary and resource list.

Reynolds, M. The Reality - The Truths About Satanic/Ritualistic Abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder. Privately printed, P.O.Box 68l83, Portland Oregon, 97268. An excellent introduction to the recognition of satanic abuse, with a glossary, lists of phobias and holidays, etc., and a first-person account of several rituals. Can be very triggering.

Ryder, David. Breaking the Circle of Ritual Satanic Abuse: Recognizing and Recovering from the Hidden Trauma. CompCare Publishers, Minneapolis, MI 55441, 1992. A book on healing from ritual satanic abuse which combines current therapeutic approaches to post-trauma states with the 12-step philosophy of Survivors of Incest Anonymous. Extremely triggering , helpful, and hopeful.

Sakheim, David K., & Devine, Susan E. Out of Darkness: Exploring Satanism & Ritual Abuse. Lexington Books (Maxwell MacMillan International), New York, New York, l992. A collection of articles by authorities on the history of satanism, law enforcement, diagnosis, testing and treatment of child and adult survivors. Includes a chapter categorizing alternative explanations of reports of satanic abuse. Excellent bibliography for all chapters.

Smith, Michelle, & Pazder, Lawrence. Michelle Remembers. Pocket Books (Simon & Schuster), New York, New York, 1980. A Canadian woman relives l4 months of Satanic childhood abuse while in therapy. Christian viewpoint. Many graphic details. Can be very triggering.

Spencer, Judith. Suffer the Child. Pocket Books (Simon & Schuster), New York, New York, 1989. An extremely readable account of satanic abuse that resulted in multiplicity. Vivid, hopeful, but with many graphic details. Can be very triggering.

Terry, Maury. The Ultimate Evil: An Investigation into a Dangerous Satanic Cult. Bantam Books, New York, New York, 1987. An extensive investigation of the Son of Sam murders, linking them to a national network of cults. Can be triggering.


Survivorship (survivors of ritual abuse, multiplicity), 3181 Mission Street, #139, San Francisco, CA 94110.

Dissociation: Progress in the Dissociative Disorders: The Journal of the ISSMPD, Ridgeview Institute, 3995 South Cobb Drive, Smyrna, GA 30080: 800-345-9775.

The Cutting Edge (self-inflicted violence): 2469 Noble Road #26, Cleveland Heights, OH

Many Voices (multiplicity): P.O.Box 2639, Cincinnati, OH 45201.