Bon Appetit has listed Pittsburgh as the city where you need to eat now and everyone who's been here agrees!
Recommended restaurants within five blocks of the hotel include:
- Original Fish Market, Westin - Excellent, varied fish menu
- Tonic Bar & Grill, 971 Liberty - Small plates and big drinks
- Sonoma Grille, 947 Liberty - California-style food with a great wine list
- Emporio, 942 Penn - Meatball & beer spot is open now - rooftop beer garden due to open in May
- Sharp Edge, 922 Penn - Belgian food with an outstanding beer list
- Nicky's Thai Kitchen, 903 Penn - Huge selection of excellent Thai food, many vegetarian options
- Nine on Nine, 9th & Penn - Elegant small plates
- Sinful Sweets Chocolate, 901 Penn - Decadent candy shop
- Proper Brick Oven & Tap Room, 139 7th St. - Proper pizza!
- Meat & Potatoes, 649 Penn - All kinds of meat & cocktails
- Six Penn Kitchen, 6th & Penn - Best lamb Bolognese!
- Butcher & the Rye, 212 6th - 350+ kinds of whiskey/bourbon
- Eleven, 1150 Smallman - American upscale, great wine list and fabulous desserts
And even more recommended restaurants with about a mile of the hotel. Many of these are in the Strip District, a shopping area full of fresh produce and trendy art/antique spots.
- Lidia's Pittsburgh, 1400 Smallman - Lidia Bastianich's elegant home of upscale Italian food
- Rolands Seafood Grill, 1904 Penn - Large variety of seafood & beer
- Kaya, 2000 Smallman - Caribbean fusion, many vegetarian options
- Luke Wholley's, 2106 Penn - Excellent fish, great lobster bisque
Check out some other local restaurants on the Pittsburgh Magazine site.