Confluence 2024 Schedule

Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport

July 26-28, 2024

Updated 7/20/24

Guest of Honor: Richard Kadrey
Featured Music Guest: Bonnie Gordon
Featured Artist: Christine Hutson
ASL Performer: Judi Miller
Writing Workshops: Barbara Barnett

Room Locations
Registration/PARSEC Sales: Grand Ballroom Lobby
Music/Events: Ballroom 1
Art Show/Demos: Ballroom 2
Dealers Room: Ballroom 3/4
Program: All other 1st floor function space
Con Suite: 908
KaffeeKlatsches: 225

Most sessions are 50 minutes long, readings are 25 minutes long.
(M) - session moderator
Check our website for information on PARSEC and Confluence.

Most items do not require sign up, but some do:
Sign-up for the Friday night Pitch Session.
Sign-up for the Friday night Beer Tasting at Registration on Friday.
Sign-up for Saturday Kaffeeklatsches at Registration on Friday.
Sign-up for Sunday Kaffeeklatsches at Registration on Saturday.

At the con, check the Registration area for signs listing late schedule changes or check online for late changes. Anything that changes in the schedule after the Pocket Program is printed will be flagged in red in this online schedule.

Restaurant guide

Saturday Schedule * * Sunday Schedule * * Return to the Confluence Program page

Friday, July 26

3 pm


Grand Ballroom Lobby: Registration and PARSEC Table Open

4 pm


908: Hospitality Suite Opens


Ballroom 1: Filk Mad Libs


Randy Hoffman


Commonwealth West: Books Into Movies: What Works, What Would Work (but Hasn't Yet), and What Won't


Brandon McNulty, Elektra Hammond (M), Herb Kauderer, Jamie Lackey, Shannon Eichorn


We've had a number of successful SF and fantasy movies based on books or comics. The recent Dune films are examples. There have also been unsuccessful adaptations (I, Robot anyone?). What makes something a good adaptation? And are there some books that, no matter how good they are, are unlikely to make good movies.

5 pm


Ballroom 1: Pegasus Awards Brainstorming Discussion


Randy Hoffman


Ballroom 3/4: Dealers Room Opens


Commonwealth West: Imposter Syndrome and Hating Your Own Stories


Brandon Ketchum, Barbara Doran (M), M. Christine Benner Dixon, Douglas Gwilym


Writers often reach the point of hating what they've just written, or with feeling that what they wrote isn't really up to snuff. How do you get around that?


Commonwealth East: POD: My Journey as a SAR Geek


Ken Chiacchia


Ken talks about personal reflections on his research in probablity of detection for search-and-rescue operations.

6 pm


Ballroom 1: Concert


Damon Buxton


Ballroom 2: Art Show Opens


Commonwealth West: The Writing Life: Balancing Writing and the Rest of Your Life


M. Christine Benner Dixon, R. K. Thorne, Susan Kaye Quinn (M)


Life can be hectic. Many writers have jobs beyond writing, as well as obligations to family and others. How do they achieve balance?

7 pm


Grand Ballroom Lobby: Registration & PARSEC Table Close


Ballroom 1: Opening Ceremonies


Richard Kadrey, Bonnie Gordon, Christine Hutson

8 pm


908: Registration Opens


Ballroom 1: Concert


Dream Quaffle


Ballroom 2: Art Show Closes


Ballroom 3/4: Dealers Room Closes


Commonwealth West: Candy Bullets: Humor in Action, Horror, and Dark Fantasy


Richard Kadrey, Douglas Gwilym (M), Nelson W. Pyles


We often talk about humor in science fiction and fantasy, listing such writers as Henry Kuttner/C.L. Moore and Terry Pratchett. But what about humor in horror? In dark fantasy?


Equinox: Pitch Session


Katharine Sands
Attendance is limited so sign up at Registration is required.

9 pm


Ballroom 1: Concert


Schaffer the Darklord


Commonwealth West: My Favorite Monsters: Cryptids, Monsters, Ghosts & Human Horror in Fiction


Nelson W. Pyles, Jamie Lackey, Alan Irvine, Richard Kadrey (M), Christine Hutson


Bigfoot? The Loch Ness Monster? Dracula? What are your favorites in fiction?


225: Beer Tasting


Attendance is limited so sign up at Registration is required.

10 pm


908: Registration Closes


Ballroom 1: Open Filk Song Circle



908: Hospitality Suite Closes

Friday Schedule * * Sunday Schedule * * Return to the Confluence Program page

Saturday, July 27

8:00 am


908: Hospitality Suite Opens

8:45 am


Grand Ballroom Lobby: Registration Opens

9 am


Grand Ballroom Lobby: PARSEC Table Opens


Equinox: Writing Exercises: Voice Exercises


M. Christine Benner Dixon, Schereéya


Come by the writing exercises room for a chance to play around with different voices in your writing. We’ll dig into the mechanics of creating a distinctive voice on the page, from worldview to word choice, syllables to silences. Bring a pen and paper or a computing device to write with—whatever suits you.


Club Room - 9th Floor: Writers Workshop: Character, Plot and Your World: Playing Nicely Together in the Sandbox Note that this workshop is full


Barbara Barnett

10 am


Ballroom 1: Voiceover 101


Bonnie Gordon


A workshop with our Featured Music Guest.


Ballroom 2: Art Show Opens


Ballroom 3/4: Dealers Room Opens


Commonwealth West: Still Fresh After All These Years: Classic SF and Fantasy that We Still Read and Reread


Grant Carrington, R. K. Thorne, Barton Paul Levenson, Stephen Fisher, Susan Dexter (M)


Commonwealth East: The Challenges of Writing a Long Series


Richard Kadrey, Frederic Durbin, Barbara Doran


225: Kaffeeklatsch


Amabilis O'Hara, Hazel Zorn
Attendance is limited so sign up at Registration is required.


Art Show: Art Demo

10:30 am


Art Show: Art Demo


Christine Hutson

11 am


Ballroom 1: Swordfighting Demo


Pittsburgh Sword Fighters


Commonwealth West: Making Magic Real: Making Magic Systems in Fantasy Novels Believable


Lesley Wheeler (M), Brandon Ketchum, Clif Flynt, Susan Dexter


Writers of fantasy have a difficult line to straddle: how to make magic seem real but still seem magical. The panel discusses examples of how this is done well (and perhaps of examples where it's not).


Commonwealth East: Not Everything Is a Series: The Best Stand-Alone Novels of the Last Decade


Rich Horton (M), Albert Wendland, Lawrence C. Connolly, Alan Bailey


It seems these days that everything is part of a series, but there are still good stand-alone novels being published. The panel discusses some of their favorites.


Solstice: Reading


Barbara Doran


225: Kaffeeklatsch


Timons Esaias, Scot Noel
Attendance is limited so sign up at Registration is required.

11:30 am


Solstice: Reading


Charles Oberndorf



Ballroom 1: Concert


Gwendolyn Grace


Commonwealth West: Fantasy Art


Christine Hutson


Commonwealth East: Not Just a Twenty-first Century Thing: Women and People of Color in SF and Fantasy History


Eric Leif Davin


Solstice: Reading


Marie Vibbert


225: Kaffeeklatsch


Brandon McNulty, Brandon Ketchum
Attendance is limited so sign up at Registration is required.

12:30 pm


Solstice: Reading


Elektra Hammond

1 pm


Ballroom 1: Concert




Commonwealth West: The Social Impact of A.I.


Lawrence C. Connolly (M), Elektra Hammond, Scot Noel, Ken Chiacchia


We are already seeing some of the social impact -- and controversy -- around AI. What impact can we expect in the near future and beyond?


Commonwealth East: Space Opera, Robots, and Dystopia: 21st Century SF


Marie Vibbert (M), Albert Wendland, Herb Kauderer, Alan Bailey, Shannon Eichorn


What are the trends in SF over the last 20 years? What are the best works?


Solstice: Reading


Amabilis O'Hara


225: Kaffeeklatsch


Barbara Doran, Susan Kaye Quinn
Attendance is limited so sign up at Registration is required.

1:30 pm


Solstice: Reading


Nelson W. Pyles

2 pm


Ballroom 1: Concert


Super Guitar Bros


Commonwealth West: High-Performance AI


Ken Chiacchia


Commonwealth East: It Was Fifty Years Ago Today: A Look Back as the SF and Fantasy of 1974


Charles Oberndorf (M), Darrell Schweitzer, Rich Horton, Eric Leif Davin


1974 was a great year for SF and fantasy. Novels included The Dispossessed (which won both Hugo and Nebula), The Mote in God's Eye, Fire Time, Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said, 334, and The Godwhale. Short fiction included "A Song for Lya," "Born With the Dead," "The Day Before the Revolution," and others. What did the awards get right? What did they miss?


Solstice: Reading


Albert Wendland


225: Kaffeeklatsch


Herb Kauderer
Attendance is limited so sign up at Registration is required.


Art Show: Art Demo: The Art of Stenciling


Susan Dexter

2:30 pm


Solstice: Reading


Hazel Zorn

3 pm


Ballroom 1: Guest of Honor Interview


Richard Kadrey, Damon Buxton

4 pm


Ballroom 1: Concert


Technical Difficulties 2.0


Commonwealth West: Speculative Poetry


Lesley Wheeler, Frederic Durbin, Clif Flynt, Marie Vibbert, Amabilis O'Hara (M)


What is speculative poetry and what are some good examples? The panel discusses and cites examples, perhaps even some poetry of their own.


Commonwealth East: The Enduring Legacy of Tolkien's Middle Earth


Timons Esaias (M), Alan Irvine, Darrell Schweitzer, Hazel Zorn


Solstice: Reading


Scot Noel


Art Show: Art Demo: The Art of Stenciling Encore


Susan Dexter

4:30 pm


Solstice: Reading


Brandon McNulty

5 pm


Ballroom 1: Concert


Steel Samurai


Commonwealth West: Frail Flesh: A Look at Body Horror


Hazel Zorn, Lawrence C. Connolly, Richard Kadrey, Amabilis O'Hara


Commonwealth East: Crossover Books: SF and Fantasy by Non-Genre Writers


Rich Horton (M), Charles Oberndorf, Eric Leif Davin


Mainstream writers often used to ignore SF and fantasy. But now a number of major writers from outside the genre -- Anthony Doerr, Emily St. John Mandel, Kazuo Ishiguro, and Richard Powers, just to name a few -- have written major works using SF tropes and plots. The panel looks at some of the major works, and discusses why things have changed.


Solstice: Reading


Shannon Eichorn


Art Show: Anyone Can Wire Wrap


Heidi Pilewski

5:30 pm


Solstice: Reading


Clif Flynt

6 pm


Registration, PARSEC Table, Art Show & Dealers Room Close

7 pm


Ballroom 1: Play: A Mockery of Mimicry


The Confused Greenies


Commonwealth West: A Very Different Character: Writing Characters Whose Gender, Race, Orientation, and Other Characteristics Are Different From Your Own


Susan Kaye Quinn (M), Amabilis O'Hara, Nelson W. Pyles, Frederic Durbin

8 pm


Ballroom 1: Featured Music Concert


Bonnie Gordon


Commonwealth West: Cosmic Horror: Lovecraft and Beyond


Darrell Schweitzer (M), Frederic Durbin, Richard Kadrey


Cosmic horror has been popular since at least the time of H. P. Lovecraft. It's still popular today, as evidenced by the works of writers such as Brian Lumley and Charles Stross.


Commonwealth East: Poetry Reading


225: Triangulation Party (lasts until 11)

9 pm


Ballroom 1: Open Filk


Commonwealth West: Ghost Stories


Alan Irvine

10 pm

11 pm


Commonwealth West: Incredibly Impromptu Improv at an Indecent Hour


The Confused Greenies



908: Hospitality Suite Closes

Friday Schedule * * Saturday Schedule * * Return to the Confluence Program page

Sunday, July 28

8:00 am


908: Hospitality Suite Opens

8:45 am


Grand Ballroom Foyer: Registration Opens

9 am


Grand Ballroom Foyer: PARSEC Table Opens


Equinox: Writing Exercises: The Prop Closet: Writing About Objects


M. Christine Benner Dixon, Schereéya


There’s only so much abstract musing that any one piece of writing can hold. Join us in the writing exercises room to raid the prop closet for your poems and stories. But these objects won’t just be set dressing! Every item will earn its place on the page. Bring a pen and paper or a computing device to write with—whatever suits you.


Club Room - 9th Floor: Writers Workshop: Scrivener Made Easy


Barbara Barnett


This workshop still has openings.
If you want to be eligible to take this workshop, you must have a laptop or other device that will run Scrivener, you must to have installed a free trial version of Scrivener on the device and you must have the device with you at Confluence.

10 am


Art Show & Dealers Room Open

Commonwealth West: Writing Groups


Kevin Hayes (M), Scot Noel, Brandon Ketchum, Timons Esaias


The panel discusses writing groups, how they work, what writers gain from such groups, and how to find one.


225: Kaffeeklatsch


Charles Oberndorf, Marie Vibbert
Attendance is limited so sign up at Registration is required

11 am


Commonwealth West: Which Way to the Globe? Shakespeare's London as a Model for Building Fantasy Stories that Work


Alan Irvine


Commonwealth East: The Future of Biology and Medicine


Bernadette Harris, Donald Firesmith, Susan Dexter


Where are medicine and biology headed? What new treatments can we expect, and how will medicine function? How does what we might expect in reality to compare to what science fiction has projected in works like Star Trek and the stories of James White.


Solstice: Reading


M. Christine Benner Dixon


225: Kaffeeklatsch


Richard Kadrey
Attendance is limited so sign up at Registration is required

11:30 am


Solstice: Reading


Darrell Schweitzer



Grand Ballroom Foyer: Registration & PARSEC Table & Art Show Close


Ballroom 1: Concert




Commonwealth West: The Oracle at Delphi


Timons Esaias


Commonwealth East: Those We've Lost: Looking at the Great Writers We've Lost Recently


Charles Oberndorf, Stephen Fisher, Laurie Mann (M)


In the last couple of years we've lost a number of great writers, including Michael Bishop, Greg Bear, Christopher Priest, Howard Waldrop, Steve Miller, and D.G. Compton. The panel looks back at those we've lost and at their works.


Solstice: Reading


Susan Dexter

1 pm


Ballroom 1: Concert


Jeff Whitmire


Ballroom 2: Art Show Auction and Art Pick-up and Pay


Commonwealth West: The Enduring Popularity of Stephen King


Nelson W. Pyles, Brandon McNulty (M)


Stephen King's first novel was published more than 50 years ago, but he continues to publish and continues to remain popular. What is it about King that his works have become such a widespread phenomenon.


Commonwealth East: Traditional Publishing, Self Publishing, or Something Inbetween: The Pros and Cons


Jamie Lackey, Donald Firesmith, R. K. Thorne (M), Frederic Durbin


Some writers opt for self-publishing, others submit to traditional publishers. Many publish in both paper and electronic formats, but some chose just one or the other. And yet others take other approaches. The panel looks at the many faces of publishing and the pluses and minuses of various approaches.

2 pm


Ballroom 1: Concert


Members of WMGSO


Commonwealth West: Regenerated: Doctor Who


Jim Mann (M), Barbara Doran, Ken Chiacchia


Russell T. Davies has returned, and we have three specials a new season under our belt. How successful is the latest regeneration of Doctor Who?

2:30 pm


Ballroom 2: Art Pick-up and Pay Closes

3 pm


908: Hospitality Suite Closes


Ballroom 1: Dead Dog Open Filk


Ballroom 3/4: Dealers Room Closes



908: Undead Dog Filk

Friday Schedule * * Saturday Schedule * * Sunday Schedule * * Return to the Confluence Program page